Deterministic Chaos

6.S. Control of Chaos

We have seen that chaos is filled with cycles, but all of them are unstable.

The idea of control of chaos is very simple:

How can this idea be implemented, and has it been applied to any real systems?

First, we illustrate this method by stabilizing a fixed point of the tent map.
Next, we describe the method of Ott, Grebogi, and Yorke for implementing control in physical situations where no model equations are known.
Here is an example of applying this method to control an oscillating magnetic ribbon.
Here is an example of applying this method to control rabbit heart arrhythmias.
Here is an example of applying this method to control atrial fibrillation in human hearts.

One possible problem is that typically parameter changes should be small, and so we can only stabilize a cycle if an iterate lands near that cycle. This may take some time, but sensitivity to initial conditions can be harnessed, in a method called targeting, to force the iterates near the desired cycle.

New applications of this idea appear frequently. Control of chaos may be the most important impact of chaos on engineering.

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