Adventures in Particle Physics

In English:
The Quark Adventure (Exhibition Version)
The Particle Adventure (Full-Length Version)

En español:
La Aventura de los Quarks (Versión breve de exposición)
La Aventura de las Partículas (Versión completa)

En français:
L'Aventure des Quarks (Version abrégée pour expositions)
L'Aventure des Particules (Version intégrale)

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English and original version by Particle Data Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.   (Contact:

Versión en español por el Departamento de Física de la Facultad de Ingeniería (U.N. Mar del Plata - Argentina). (Contacto: Hilda Larrondo)

Version française par le Groupe Communication du Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire d'Orsay (IN2P3-CNRS).  (Contact: Corinne Augier)

This CD-ROM is sponsored by The Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physical Society in celebration of the APS Centennial Exhibition in Atlanta, Georgia, March 1999. The Quark Adventure and Particle Adventure were made possible through funding from the U.S. Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation.

Copyright 1999, Particle Data Group, LBNL, Berkeley, California.