Logistic |
0.9, 0.99 |
1.5, 1.5 |
2.4, 2.9 |
3.1, 3.5 |
3.55, 3.57 |
3.6, 3.7 |
3.8, 3.825 |
3.826, 3.827 |
3.828, 3.829 |
3.846, 3.999 |
Tent |
1.2, 1.32 |
1.4, 1.5 |
1.7, 1.8 |
1.9, 1.999 |
s = 3.846. This is a 12-cycle, the second period-doubling of the 3-cycle
window. |
s = 3.999. Fully developed chaos. The picture should remind you of the IFS driven by the
exclusions2->1, 3->1, 2->2,
3->2, 2->3, 3->3, 1->4, and 4->4
forbidden. In fact, these are the types of patterns driven IFS are better at detecting. For
cycles, aother mathods are better. |